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Kaze NLP Coaching

Kaze NLP Coaching is a business coaching & courses website. It has payment system for students to purchase courses online and take personality test online. Users can login and check their result and courses progress in their own profile.




Kaze PLT


Web Design & Development, E-Commerce

Web Design & Development

Kaze NLP Coaching Website (E-Commerce)

When our design team constructs Kaze NLP Coaching website, our primary focus lies in text design and presentation. We diligently apply simplistic yet elegant designs to each section, prioritizing meticulous attention to detail in font selection, size, and color. Furthermore, the website features a robust payment system tailored for seamless transactions on the Kaze NLP Coaching platform. This system encompasses membership levels, account management, billing details, and payment information, all presented in user-friendly, accessible language to ensure a convenient and secure payment experience.
